On June 30, President Denis Booth held a Changeover Luncheon to welcome our incoming President Jeremy Brennan. President Denis awarded Silvio Gmur a Paul Harris Fellow Award for his work in Youth Service and Ken Pratt received his 3rd Paul Harris Fellow Sapphire Pin Award for his invaluable contribution to the club. Jenny Thomas also received a well deserved gift of thanks from President Denis.
The changeover was attended by Trent Zimmerman the Federal Member for North Sydney who, on behalf of the club, also presented Denis with a Paul Harris Fellow Sapphire Pin Award for his great efforts as president for 2015-2016.
PP Denis Booth and incoming President Jeremy Brennan

Silvio Gmur receives a Paul Harris Fellow Award
Jenny receiving a well deserved gift from President Denis
Ken Pratt receiving his 3rd Paul Harris Fellow Sapphire Pin Award
President Jeremy Brennan, Trent Zimmerman, Past President Denis